A tour to the lower Omo Valley usually begins by driving through the Great Rift Valley. You can stop at Lake Chamo and Lake Abaya, which are two of the most popular lakes. Here you will find the majority of your African wildlife to include hippos and crocodiles. You also can visit the Nechisar National Park where you will see zebras and gazelles running wild. While on your tour, you may have the option to visit the Omo National Park and the Mago National Park.
You will also experience the African culture in several of the villages of Omo Valley. Each village has its own unique tribe with their own traditional customs and beliefs.
Their are several villages to visit on your journey through Omo Valley. The villages offer market days where you will most likely see many of the tribal people.
Arba Minch
is the largest town before reaching the Omo Valley. It is located west of the Great Rift Valley. The town has bus and taxi services. It also has an airport and is home to the Arba Minch University. Tourist often visit the Rift Valley Lakes,
is a small village where you will find the Dorze people.
village is often visited by the Hamar people. The market of Dimeka is colorful Here you will find grain, butter and a local brew being sold,
is the capital of the area. This is a town that can be reached by vehicles or planes. You will also find hotels and a museum dedicated to the Omo Valley tribes. The Mago National Park is located south of the town and is a common tourist attraction.
Karo village you will find elders from the Karo tribe. They welcome tourists,
Key Afer
is a very remote village. Here it is possible to see members of the Ari, Benna and Tsemay tribes.
Konso village is where the Konso people live. They are best known for their farming skills, totem poles and unique huts. There are several other smaller villages in and around Konso.
is a very remote area where you can find the Suri people. The Mursi and Suri are known for their lip plates and body painting. Most villages here you reached by hiking.
Turmi Village is home of the Hamar people. They have very small but colorful markets,
This is just the highlight of Omo Valley there are more things to visit in this region,
Email:- mamaruendris@gmail.com
Website:- www.mamaruethiopiantours.com
Phone:- +251913048155
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